Eva Airlines has an easy flight cancellation policy that allows passengers to get full refund as per the company policy. Many times the booked flight ticket needs to be cancelled due to various reasons. Thus best way to save money is to cancel the booked flight ticket on time that might save few of your hard earned money. Eva Air has a flexible cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your flight ticket within minutes.
How to cancel Eva Air Flight Booking?
Visit Eva Air official website.
Log in to your account.
Go to “My Booking” Section.
Choose the booking that you want to cancel.
Click on “Cancel Booking” option to complete the cancellation.
What is Eva Air
Cancellation Policy
You get full refund for your ticket if cancellation is done
within 24 hours of booking.
The refundable amount is credited in the original mode of
It might take up to 10 business days for the refundable amount
to reflect in your bank account.
In case you have purchased non-refundable flight ticket, no
refund is allowed for your cancellation in any situation.
The cancellation fee is decided as per the flight route, ticket
type as well as booking class.
Eva Air 24 hours cancellation policy
Eva Air being the top most carrier of Taiwan has best flight
service to all the major destinations. If you have already booked your flight
with Eva Air, then you can easily follow few steps as explained above to cancel
your flight ticket and get applicable refund as per the airlines policy. Eva
Air 24 hours cancellation policy allows passengers to get full refund if ticket
is cancelled within 24 hours of booking. Thus make your cancellation as early
as you realize you have to cancel your journey to save few bucks.