Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Google Sign in Error

Discover provides a source for personalized articles that are often relevant to your interests. A login error not loading stories is affecting Google Discover on Android today.

The scrolling list of cards, content suggestions, and weather is accessible on the left side of the home screen on some Android devices, and is available to everyone in the Google app. In the course of today, there have been several reports about the inability to load the stories feed.

This issue appears as a crossed-out cloud icon and the message "There appears to have been an error logging into your account." There's a big blue "Try Again" button below it, and this error appears after several seconds of Discover trying to load.

For our part, we only have the problem on a device running the latest beta version of the Google application (10.11) released yesterday. That Pixel 3 is also in the latest Android 11 developer preview. None of the steps we've taken prevents the login error, but we can get Discover to work after logging in with a different account.

Everything else powered by the Google app is operational, including search, assistant, snapshot, and collections.

Most of the other reports on the Google Discover login problem come from Pixel owners, but there are a handful of Samsung and Motorola users who encounter the Google sign in error. Steps like logging out and logging back in (to the same account) or clearing the Google app cache are not successful. Hopefully the issue is resolved by a server-side solution.

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